There has been a lot of talk in recent years about authenticity, standing in integrity and being who you truly are. The thought is indeed exciting and sits well with almost all of us....after all, who doesn't want to be in touch with their souls, to be true at their core, to dance to their own song? I dare so we all do....even those who are not courageous enough to actually do it. The urge is still present, the yearning is still real.
Yet, with all this, there are still those who struggle to find, to know, to understand who this 'true me' is. What does it mean to be your authentic self? When you are constantly faced with your flaws and imperfections, when you desire, aspire to change; when you long to be something (not necessarily someone) that context... what does being authentic mean?
Is your authentic self the negative, toxic person that you are, or is it the friendly encouraging person you aspire, long to be?
When you aspire to take your thoughts and dreams, your life vision to the next level but you feel the constant pull and urgings of your former existence, which of these is real? What is an authentic response? Keeping in mind that your former place of existence - the way of being you want to leave behind - may not necessarily be a bad thing, how do you know that this is not who you truly are/were meant to be? When you stand in that bridge who exactly is the real you?
The question that weighs heavily on my mind sometimes is 'what defines something or someone as inauthentic? How does one know that he/she is standing in integrity? What are the signs and triggers? Are there any signs and triggers? One might say....
Lies, obviously
How about an unwillingness to be vulnerable?
Not being responsive to gut feelings?
Denying your personal ambitions?
Holding on to beliefs and dogma fed to you by others without having done your own assessment?
How about holding on to other people's 'truths'?
Feeling obligated to live up to the expectations of others?
A strong desire to deliver 'perfect' results all the time?
Not perceiving failure as the gift it is?
Having a strong need to impress others at the expense of your own happiness?
Is there even a universal definition of authenticity? And, if not, is it therefore not subject to individual definitions of truth? We hear people say 'live your truth,' the implication being that being that for each of us to be authentic all of us must allow for the diversities which will show up amongst us.
I don't know where you are today in your search/struggle for authenticity. I know for sure, though, that it is a indeed a huge struggle to get from one place to the next, and to keep trying to show up as your true self. I know as well that it is worth every bit if the struggle. You may not like the person you see in the process of transition but I can almost guarantee that you will fall in love with the girl/guy you meet on the other side.....and you'll know for sure when you get there... for it is that moment when you feel at peace at your very core!
I believe the ultimate expression of life's purpose is in our BECOMING more.... in growing a little better everyday - intentionally. This blog is dedicated to promoting and supporting our deliberate efforts towards increasing personal value and creating life-change.
Saturday, 3 November 2018
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
I find there is much to be grateful for.....
Another birthday rolls around and I find that there is much to be grateful for. I know I have been divinely favoured especially in these very recent years. Sometimes I feel hand-picked "for such a time as this" and in these quiet moments of reflection that a birthday normally affords, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed with the awesome mantle I am called to bear. I am grateful everyday that our Creator sees in me that which I was unable to see for so long. I am eternally grateful for the grace He has afforded me over the years.
Birthdays often bring us to a place of quiet reflection. We are forced to contend with thoughts of what we have achieved over the years...whether our accomplishments match our goals we set ourselves over the years....what if we had done that thing our heart longed/longs for....where might we have been had we been brave enough to take the risks that could have been life-changing. Yeah, birthdays have a way of doing that to you....if you are not careful where your thoughts take you.
But today as I contemplate the great 'what ifs' and 'whethers' of my own life, I am forced to shelf any lingering thoughts of underachievement and inadequacy. I am instead faced with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Yes......look how far I have come. Look what God has done....Look at what I have left behind....and I am reveling in the freedom that I am afforded to simply be....and become. I know that every tomorrow is divinely ordained. I know that every tomorrow will count for something...something bigger than me....I know the purpose to which I am called, I see the Plan into which I fit...I see my role and I gladly put on the mantle....I will create the change to which I am called.
So in this moment of this 'next level' birthday. I pause....and I give thanks. For the blessings of this moment....for the hope of tomorrow....for the friends who have been with me on this journey...for the lives I have been able to impact so far and for those I will influence who I have not yet met. I am grateful for every lesson learnt on the journey so far and I look forward to the many lessons of the future. I listen to the age-old wisdom of men but I defer to the Wisdom of the Divine. I eagerly anticipate each new day, knowing that God is doing a new thing in me. I claim it even as I move into a new era of accomplishments with faith and humility.
Happy birthday to me. I immerse myself even now in an anticipation of the future. Forever in His debt.
Birthdays often bring us to a place of quiet reflection. We are forced to contend with thoughts of what we have achieved over the years...whether our accomplishments match our goals we set ourselves over the years....what if we had done that thing our heart longed/longs for....where might we have been had we been brave enough to take the risks that could have been life-changing. Yeah, birthdays have a way of doing that to you....if you are not careful where your thoughts take you.
But today as I contemplate the great 'what ifs' and 'whethers' of my own life, I am forced to shelf any lingering thoughts of underachievement and inadequacy. I am instead faced with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Yes......look how far I have come. Look what God has done....Look at what I have left behind....and I am reveling in the freedom that I am afforded to simply be....and become. I know that every tomorrow is divinely ordained. I know that every tomorrow will count for something...something bigger than me....I know the purpose to which I am called, I see the Plan into which I fit...I see my role and I gladly put on the mantle....I will create the change to which I am called.
So in this moment of this 'next level' birthday. I pause....and I give thanks. For the blessings of this moment....for the hope of tomorrow....for the friends who have been with me on this journey...for the lives I have been able to impact so far and for those I will influence who I have not yet met. I am grateful for every lesson learnt on the journey so far and I look forward to the many lessons of the future. I listen to the age-old wisdom of men but I defer to the Wisdom of the Divine. I eagerly anticipate each new day, knowing that God is doing a new thing in me. I claim it even as I move into a new era of accomplishments with faith and humility.
Happy birthday to me. I immerse myself even now in an anticipation of the future. Forever in His debt.
Sunday, 5 August 2018
I wanna just BE....if only for a moment
So it hasn't happened this year as it should have. My blogging has taken a nose-dive. Truthfully, the first half of this year has been far more busy than I anticipated. I've had more opportunities, new experiences, adventures, more exposure, travelled to new places than many do in a life-time. I've been blessed. Immensely. And I am truly grateful. But I have missed my 'get in touch with me' moments. I've missed putting my thoughts on paper and wondering at the beauty that lies within.....that part of me that I don't get to see enough of.....that's mostly hidden from those who've only learnt to listen with their ears and see with their eyes.....I've missed me.
So today, just for me, I've decided to come take a moment and just BE....BE still....BE present.....BE introspective, BE open, BE content....BE quiet. There is something to be said about just BE-ing, especially for someone like me who is so caught up with BECOMING. Now don't get me wrong, BECOMING will always be way higher on my score-card than simply BEING. BECOMING is an innate acknowledgement and acceptance that life is about constant growth. But there is a time and a place for everything. And today, right now for me, it's time for BEING.
There is value at the end of a day, - the end of a 'season' in one's life, the end of a phase, an era - in just standing still and going with the letting life's waters flow over ceasing the fight, the struggle, in letting go and letting God...especially when you feel like life's got the reigns and is pulling you along at a pace and in direction you didn't plan on going. You're simply losing control. At those times simply letting go is good for your soul. It's good for your sanity, it's good for your overall well being. And then there are times when "burnout" is the order of the day, everyday. At these times you've got no choice but to just BE.
Today as I find myself in that place of over-exertion, constant over-drive, over-do, and over-kill, I give myself permission to cease BECOMING for a while. To get off this treadmill I set myself. It's exciting and exhilerating most of the times. Especially because it's not the result of a corporate rat-race or an effort to out-do the Joneses. It's just me wanting to be better than I was every area of my life. But today, right now, I wanna just BE for a couple of days, weeks, months.....who knows? Get to know the me that I really fall in love with this rarely revealed version of myself. To enjoy the stillness of inhale the fragrance of BE.....simply BE....if only for a moment.
So today, just for me, I've decided to come take a moment and just BE....BE still....BE present.....BE introspective, BE open, BE content....BE quiet. There is something to be said about just BE-ing, especially for someone like me who is so caught up with BECOMING. Now don't get me wrong, BECOMING will always be way higher on my score-card than simply BEING. BECOMING is an innate acknowledgement and acceptance that life is about constant growth. But there is a time and a place for everything. And today, right now for me, it's time for BEING.
There is value at the end of a day, - the end of a 'season' in one's life, the end of a phase, an era - in just standing still and going with the letting life's waters flow over ceasing the fight, the struggle, in letting go and letting God...especially when you feel like life's got the reigns and is pulling you along at a pace and in direction you didn't plan on going. You're simply losing control. At those times simply letting go is good for your soul. It's good for your sanity, it's good for your overall well being. And then there are times when "burnout" is the order of the day, everyday. At these times you've got no choice but to just BE.
Today as I find myself in that place of over-exertion, constant over-drive, over-do, and over-kill, I give myself permission to cease BECOMING for a while. To get off this treadmill I set myself. It's exciting and exhilerating most of the times. Especially because it's not the result of a corporate rat-race or an effort to out-do the Joneses. It's just me wanting to be better than I was every area of my life. But today, right now, I wanna just BE for a couple of days, weeks, months.....who knows? Get to know the me that I really fall in love with this rarely revealed version of myself. To enjoy the stillness of inhale the fragrance of BE.....simply BE....if only for a moment.
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