Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The Value of Intentionality

There was a time, many moons ago, when I thought that life would automatically reward those of us who were intellectually inclined; those of us who played by the rules and were 'good' more often than not. But then, as the years went by I realized that that belief left everything to happenstance. For the most part I knew what I wanted to become..... what I wanted to achieve, but I made the mistake of assuming I'd grow into that 'space' automatically.

And so I lived everyday as it came....waiting on my big break.....expecting to become the woman I thought I was destined to be. But days turned into years, and years into mountains of frustration, resentment and anger....believing that I deserved a share of life's pie, but watching with mounting frustration as the pie passed me by….occasionally stimulated by the random, accidental or co-incidental, while all the time unknowingly being devoured by the insidious subtlety of the unplanned existence.

…until I discovered the necessity and value of intentionality. Deliberate design….taking time to design and create the results I want; understanding the importance of every single day to achieving these resluts…planting the seeds, and preparing for the harvest;  It made all the difference. Today as architect of my own life, I carefully develop the blueprints, select the inputs and daily erect monuments of my own making; experiencing the art of exceptional living. Living by deliberate design!  

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