Friday, 17 March 2017

Personal Value - It's in Your Hands!

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We get paid not for the number of hours we put in but for the value we bring to the table. It's that simple. Hundreds of people put in a forty-hour work week. Yet we don't all get paid the same thing. We get paid according to the perception of value that is placed on the tasks we perform, The good thing is that we all have control over the value that others place upon us.

Now let's be clear. A man's (or woman's) value in the market place is a world apart from the value we may place upon him as an individual. A man may be a valuable father, husband, brother, and similarly, a woman may be perceived invaluable as a mother, a wife, sister or daughter. Yet that same man or woman may be perceived as of little value in an organization. His/her skills may prove insufficiently specialized, his talents easily acquired, his ideas (if he has any) nondescript and uninspiring.

The good thing in all this is that we each have the power any day and everyday to increase our value. That's entirely up to us. Creating personal value is something that every human being should be intentional and strategic about. Our value to the market will never change until we change. We will never secure personal competitive advantage until we become intentional about working on ourselves. Formal education is one route, That's good. But formal education merely makes us a living, self-education is what makes us a fortune, We must secure every opportunity that comes our way to self educate - to increase our talents, to stimulate curiosity, to continually work at maintaining interest in the world as life evolves round about us.

We owe it to ourselves to create and increase personal value and continually offer that to the market place. We must become more: BECOME. DO. HAVE. That;s the formula for increasing value. As we learn, we implement - we DO - for the benefit of others. As we DO,  our talents and abilities improve, our reputations precede us; inevitably we attract the success we seek; we command the salaries and benefits we crave - all the time focused only on increasing our value to the market place. These days learning is as easy as the next you-tube video. There is just no excuse for remaining where we are in life. The value we being to the market place is entirely ours to control. What value do you bring to the table?

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