I guess there's always the option of yielding to the voices, continuing to compare yourself to others, becoming overwhelmed by the things life throws at you....or you could allow yourself to be led by your passion, to filter your life experiences through the funnel of 'meaning', and 'passion' and 'purpose'.....to resolve to give yourself only to that which has meaning to you. When we are completely certain as to what bears meaning and what holds value for us, then we will have little doubt as to the things we should actively pursue, the people we should spend time with, the causes that are worth the fight, for whom we should sacrifice, who or what is worth our pain.
Most of us have had the experience of working at a job that meant absolutely nothing more than providing the means of putting food on the table, and all of us have looked back and wished we had spent more time with the significant people in our lives. What I have found for sure is that the people who have found their calling, people who find the will to push through, who are able to answer the call to 'carry-on' are the people who have learnt to be led from the inside out.....who listen to their gut, who are not distracted by the call of comparison, but who, instead, have perfected the art of being in tune with their deeper purpose and who are intentional about responding to those dictates.
So go ahead..do what has meaning for you....despite the results. Spend time with the people who mean the world to you, perfect your passions, deepen your resolve to pursue your purpose. Abundant living happens from the inside out....its never about what is acceptable to friends or what 'improves' your status in life. Rather, it's about what ends the dissonance and the noise...what increases meaning and purpose, what brings peace...its about the difference you make everyday you wake up...living from the inside out!
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