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Almost every time I turn my mind toward writing an article for this blog, something inside me questions my reason for continuing. What is it that I'm gonna say that has not already been said? Are there not thousands of blogs and bloggers saying the same things? What difference will I make? What value will I add? Isn't it just as well I throw in the towel and call it quits? I guess I could. But I won't. Here's why:
- My blog is my voice - a way of pushing back against the things I disdain, and registering my opinions and ideas; the place where these ideas and opinions gestate awaiting birth.
- It is my sanctuary - My place of retreat...therapy for my soul, a place to reflect and take stock...to be the person that nobody sees, the deepest, most beautiful parts of my spirit -an opportunity to be awed by who I really am....deep down.
- It is my contribution to my world, my place to make a difference, to join hands with thousands who crusade for change and growth, and actively impacting others for good.
- It is my chance to prove the veracity of the philosophies I hold dear...philosophies that tell me that meaningful change is incremental; philosophies that remind me that in order to fell the trees of life (challenges), I must sharpen the axe (me).
- It allows me the chance to hone my craft, to peddle my creativity, to add value to the world of literary artistry.
Maybe you feel the same way about your business, your writing, or a task you have been labouring over for years. Maybe you have begun to question your/its worth. Maybe you feel like you're adding no value to the room...like its time to throw in your cards and walk away from the table. The market is saturated you say....the world has enough people like me. Maybe...but what of your niche? What of the space in time that you were created to fill, that space that only you can fill? Maybe you need to step back and think for a moment about these things:
- What's your differentiation strategy - for your life, for your business, for your mission?
- What's your value proposition? - What problem(s) do you propose to solve for others?
- What's your unfair advantage? - Your core competences, your available resources? What makes you uniquely you.... and gives you an edge above the competition?
- How can you leverage your passion in ways that make 'work' less laborious
- And to borrow from author, researcher and psychologist, Brene Brown, 'what would you do that's worth doing even if you fail?'
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If you find you can answer these questions conclusively then its time to get back into the game. If you can't answer all just now, take your time. Do your introspection. Just don't give up on who you are and what you want just because the arena seems full. You may find you have to sit out a round but never become a spectator to your own life.
Sometimes staying invested is literally that - an investment - of a penny. A penny - that's all. My blog is my penny. What's yours?
In addition to being aware of what we invest, we must also be aware of the return on investment we require. Depending on the payback period, we may need to change to revise the 'ROI'...:-)
ReplyDeleteGood points Althea and I'll answer those questions as I've just been away for nearly a month to Africa and feel it's time to reassess what's important.
ReplyDeletethank you!
You're welcome, Rosemary. Just grateful to be able to share.