Friday, 28 October 2016

Choose the Lens You Use

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"The way we see the problem is the problem." So said Stephen Covey. That's powerful. Indeed, I have learnt that if I always see a problem as a problem, then that's a problem. Learning to see the opportunities buried in the challenges that face us, not only increases our ability to problem-solve, it equips us to meet the next challenge head-on. Indeed, there are two distinct ways of seeing the world...we can see the things we want to accomplish, or we can see the things that prevent us from accomplishing the things we want. When we begin to see challenges as within the scope of our influence we feel empowered to create change. But when we look at our challenges as outside the domain of our mountains we can't climb, as anchors that keep our ships grounded, then indeed our ability to problem-solve will be significantly compromised.

Now I'm not suggesting that we look at life through rose-coloured glasses (though, believe has its advantages). What I'm suggesting is that we be mindful of the fact that we don't always see things as they are. More often than not we see them as we are. We bring to every interaction, every challenge our past experiences, our perceptions, our established ways of thinking. Obviously, these become the point of reference for all new experiences. In order to see things as they are we need to be mindful of the focus. Though we may be pre-disposed to a certain way of seeing things, we must mindfully choose the lens we use.

So how do we get to that place of power?
  • We begin to see challenges as growth opportunities - we keep our eyes on the broader vision and remember that the problems come to improve our abilities to operate at the next level.
  • Be mindful of the things we focus on - what we feed our minds everyday will manifest in our approach to life
  • Understand the power of influence - Limited association, increased association and complete dissociation are options available to us. It's always better to choose the people who influence our worldview than to have them chosen for us.
  • Harness the power of reflection - Maybe at the end of the day, maybe in a moment in between high-intensity activities, whenever some down time comes around, take a moment to consider if your last interaction left you proud of the person you are. It forces us to see the world through the eyes of persons with whom we interact; obviously, this improves empathy and emotional intelligence
  • Remain a dreamer - Dreams help bring the impossible into the realm of possibility; dreams help keep us hitched to a star, keeping us unhinged from the mundane. 
  • Understand that in every moment all is as it should be - it keeps us hopeful in times of despair.
In every challenge we face we have the power to control the way we see what we see. You can change that picture by changing the lens. We change our lens as we carefully filter the influences upon our mind, We make ourselves into possibility thinkers or we lead lives of quiet desperation. The choice is ours

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