It's one thing to have the fires of ones desire quenched by the vicissitudes of life. It's quite another to have never known what it might feel like to have those fires fanned into a burning passion. To live with a constant feeling that what one might become is completely outside of our control is merely to exist, merely to occupy a vast open space, reverberating with the echoes of your empty soul. The only legitimate way to live is to embrace ones role as captain of the ship of your life; to recognize that who and what you become is completely up to you.
The personal development guru, the late Earl Nightingale once said, "All of us are self-made but only the rich are willing to admit it." Powerful statement. The harsh truth of the matter is that while we sit on our laurels waiting on 'the gods' to drop manna from heaven, we are becoming. Our destinies are being decided right in that space, in that time. We are becoming.....dependent, unprofitable underachievers. What we are now is the destiny we have created. What we will become is the destiny we decide on, the one we make with each choice.
Think not for a moment that I discredit the power or importance of faith. Faith, for me, is always the precursor of anything worth having. It's important to wait in faith, but it is even more important to ACT in faith. If we are to be masters of our destinies, we must exercise the God-given gift of choice. We must weigh the consequences of these choices and move in the interest of who we want to become. We must be seekers, 'askers', 'knockers'. We must be willing to step out with eyes of faith and look beyond our current circumstances in order to create the destiny we want for ourselves.
Every day is a beautiful, gift-wrapped package and we get to open that package. All around us are the people and tools to help us mold this 'shapeless mass' of life that we've been given. We get to figure it out. We get to work with the Master Designer to craft the person we become. Let's call the philosophy of 'que sera sera' what it is......cheerful fatalism. A dream killer; a incinerator for ambition and potential; the insidious destroyer of independence and freedom. Let's kick this impostor out of our lives and instead accept and embrace the chance to step into your possibilities and create the future you dream of!
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