Sunday, 30 August 2015

Guard Your Energies

Whether we are aware of it or not, we all have a tremendous amount of energy. For some this may, as yet, be latent energy, waiting to be discovered, harnessed and directed in ways that benefit us and society alike. But successfully harnessing our energies requires an astute awareness... a deep consciousness of these energy sources and taking steps to guard and nurture those sources while, at the same time, doing everything in our power to avoid energy leaks.

But first, we must learn how to identify our energy sources: mental energy to help us focus on the significant, physical energy to help us push through that extra mile, and spiritual energy to help us commit ourselves wholly to a cause. What is it that most empowers you? Is it date night with your spouse, time alone with God, family nights, a stimulating discussion with friends, moments of deep meditation? What is it that refills your tank? What fuels your passion for life? Who or what is it that gives flight to your dreams and raises your ambitions to heights never before known? It's time to be keenly aware of these and hold tight to them. Nurture them. Draw from them. Be deliberate about spending time with the people and circumstances that add value to your experience. 

And in the same way that we become intentional about embracing the positive energy sources in our lives, we must also be keenly aware of the points of potential leaks. The people who would engage us in meaningless debates, they who question our motives and our every decision; they who would cause us to second guess our plans - these are to be ignored and avoided. The truth is, pearls were never meant for swines. Ten 'percent-ers' will never appreciate the capacity of the one hundred 'percent-ers'. We just must stomp the dust from our feet and move on. Meaningless debates, mindless anger, seemingly harmless gossip...all are energy leaks. Activities that bear no connection to our passion, purpose and mission are but distractions. They drain our energies and cause us to take our eyes off the substantive. We must learn to rid our-selves of the busy activities we engage in an effort to gain validation from the people around us. We must, instead, engage ourselves in activities that make a difference in the lives of others, bring us significance and lasting success.

Energy is easily depleted. Enthusiasm dies; interests wane, engagement levels weaken, people give up on their dreams. Don't let that happen to you. Plug your leaks; Worship at the shrine of the positive energy sources. And as you draw from these they pour into you, I trust you will pour your energies, your positive energies into a cause that's worth the effort. Recharge to empower!

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