You know your dreams and deep desires are bigger than you when they wake you up in the middle of the night, when you feel pregnant with an idea you are ready to birth, when anticipation brings you more joy than anything you've ever experienced, when your desire to create change exceeds your desire to 'be somebody'; when you find that you are no longer willing to allow yourself an excuse for not showing up; but instead, like Erma Bombeck you find yourself saying, "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would have not one single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me." That's when you know you are living on purpose. That's when your 'why' makes your 'how' and 'what' inconsequential.
The point is, when you are pulled by your dream, you don't allow yourself to be constrained by a lack of know-how; neither are you concerned initially by how your efforts will manifest themselves. You don't wait for perfect external conditions. You take incremental steps toward impacting others, developing your talents along the way. You find a way to use every bit of your talents, you get creative: as we say in Jamaica 'yuh tun yuh hand mek fashin' (you fashion something with bare hands if you need to). 'Imperfect' is good enough soil for planting the seeds of your vision.
So what's your excuse? What constrains you? What prevents you from answering what you know is a calling upon your life? What stands in the way of your filling that space in the universe that you were created to fill....that you alone can fill? It's time to harness the abilities and resources (however small you think they are) with which you have been gifted. It's time to give birth to the child of your dreams. The universe awaits!